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Date de naissance : 08 Fév 1996 (28 ans)
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As a famous household product brand name, Shark does produce various models of vacuum cleaner with different features, functions and prices. No doubt that opting for a Shark vacuum is a smart choice, but then, with numerous Shark vacuums, it is difficult to compare among models to make the final purchase decision.


If you ask us how a right vacuum cleaner should be, we would tell you that the right one should perform well on sucking up debris, pet hair, have longevity of at least 8 years, and be able to reach hard-to-get places. Some more features should be added if you are allergy sufferers (a HEPA filter and an Anti-Allergen Complete Seal Technology) or you do care a lot about the environment (washable filters). It really depends on one’s needs to clarify which one is the best one; however, after spending hundreds of hours reading customers’ reviews and ratings, we found out that beside the basic function, people do appreciate those vacuums with lift-away feature as it provides a great amount of convenience for users. Therefore, hereafter we made a summary of all Shark vacuums with lift-away feature (detached canister) for your consideration, let’s check out!


1.  Shark navigator lift-away NV356


- Description: corded upright model.


- Specifications: weight 12.5 pounds, hose length 5 feet, cord length 25 feet (which is a little bit short), cleaning path width 9.25 inches, HEPA filter equipped.


- Attachments: a dusting brush, a crevice tool, a pet power tool, an extension hose, and an upholstery tool.


2. Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional NV356E



- Description: corded upright model.


- Specifications: weight 13.7 pounds, hose length 5 feet, cord length 30 feet, cleaning path width 9.5 inches (which is a little bit better than the previous model), HEPA filter equipped.


- Attachments: a dusting brush, a crevice tool, a pet power tool, an extension hose, and a dust-away hard floor attachment.


The Shark Navigator Lift Away NV356 and NV356E are very similar in terms of function but the former is a little bit smaller and lighter.


3. Shark Rotator Professional Lift-Away NV501


- Description: corded upright model


- Specifications: weight 15.8 pounds, cord length 30 feet, hose length 8.4 feet, cleaning path width 9.5 inches, HEPA filter equipped.


- Attachments: a dusting brush, a 12-inch crevice tool, a premium pet power brush, an extension hose, a straight nozzle, and a wide upholstery tool.


This model works extremely well on sucking per hair, making it a great choice for pet owners. However, if you do not raise pets or you own only one small pet, the two models of  Shark navigator lift away upright vacuum are more appropriate.


4. Shark DuoClean Powered Lift-Away Speed NV803



- Description: 3-in-1 corded upright model.


- Specifications: weight 14.5 pounds, cord length 30 feet, cleaning path width 8.5 inches, HEPA filter equipped.


- Attachments: a pet multi-tool, a pet power brush, a duster crevice tool, an under-appliance wand, and an accessory bag.


This model is also great for cleaning pet hair, it is lighter but more expensive than the previous model.


We hope that our Shark navigator lift away  reviews are helpful for you. In case you would like to get more information about vacuums or other household products, you can always check them out on our site – TheKingLive. Also, share your experience and your thoughts with us in the comment section, we would be glad to discuss with you.

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